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Author: Subject: When and How Did You Know That He or She Was The One?
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question.gif posted on 10/22/2009 at 07:15 PM
When and How Did You Know That He or She Was The One?

Hello everyone,

got this via another site...

Some people say that is was love at first sight, which I don't believe in. I know others who have been together 5-8 years and they still don't know if that person is the one for them.

When did you know your significant other was the one for you, was it within a few months or did it take years?

How did you know?

Was it that feeling they gave you inside, commonalities, etc?

Just Me,
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[*] posted on 10/22/2009 at 11:56 PM

dang i wouldn't know...i have no idea...not at all...i mean i guess that it is just like letting go and making a decision. think that most people are waiting for someone to knock them on they back like whoa...but i am not sure it works like that...
i guess letting go and falling in love, and living and praying and letting God do the rest? i don't know what sign there is...i guess for me I pray about it...a lot if it isn't for me I ask God to show me...for sure...
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[*] posted on 11/5/2009 at 05:19 AM

I had been dating my now-husband for a while and he didn't really fit the profile of the person I had envisioned so I broke up with him to date someone new...This went on for several years, we'd casually date, then break up every time I thought I found someone who better fit the bill. He was always around, always there when I needed someone the most, always keeping tabs on me through my family. Always magically knowing where I lived, even when we weren't talking. He was like my private stalker. Seven years later, I had just had my second child by another lame and I was alone, raising em. My now-husband showed up three days after I came home from the hospital with baby #2 and we talked for hours. He started coming around again, every night, he'd come over after he finished his classes and we'd stay up till wee hours of the morning, and he would have to get up and go to work the next day. But in the three months he'd done that, he never once asked for anything other than my friendship and company. I think it was during those many months of really getting to know each other all over again that I realized, I wanted to share everything with him, my past, my pain, my feelings, my fears. I realized that in all the crucial parts of my life, he was my rock and he was always there for me. He loved me for me, not what I could do for him or how I looked, but just because. He whole heartedly accepted me, broken, tattered and abused. I realized in his compassion and his tenderness, that I absolutely loved him more than life itself and I wanted to be with him forever.
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