
Federal Extensions of unemployment insurance has become a welfare program...

MrAkeet - 11/23/2009 at 08:43 PM

Hello everyone,

got this via another site...

when we should cut off long term federal benefits for the long term unemployed?

Just Me,

twilight - 11/24/2009 at 12:04 AM

i am not sure on this one, my mom lost her job and was in one another before they had time to mail her a check...but i mean some areas there are very few jobs available, like detroit, like some areas, i mean unemployment rates have been going up...in ohio, and other areas...i guess, a lot of people would find it hard to move to places where work is available...i mean it isn't like they are just deadbeats that don't want to work. so i guess that compassion for people out of work is necessary...i think