

MrAkeet - 11/19/2009 at 01:03 AM

Hello everyone,

got this via another board...

Do you usually bring your lunch to work or go out to get lunch?

If you do go out, how much would you say spend per week on lunch?

Just Me,

twilight - 11/19/2009 at 02:21 AM

try to bring a lunch but a lot of times, don't...spend around 30 a week

MrAkeet - 11/19/2009 at 02:24 AM

Thats low sista, as I can spend nearly $20 a day when it comes to lunch... :(

ATru_Gem - 11/20/2009 at 02:26 AM

I actually prefer to come home for lunch. I may read, get BACK on the computer, throw in some laundry - I just like the quiet time at home - it helps break up the day.

Sometimes I go visit a friend who no longer works outside the home. He's an avid Law & Order fan so if I go over there we'll be watching an episode of Law & Order.