MrAkeet - 12/15/2009 at 02:15 AM
Hello everyone,
got this via another site...
Ladies do you ever find yourself acting stuck up to weed out the losers?
Guys how do you react to a lady acting stuck up?
Guys do you ever find yourself acting stuck up to weed out the losers?
Ladies how do you react to a guy acting stuck up?
Just Me,
twilight - 2/3/2010 at 06:52 PM
i used to look stuck up at men, and i did it too keep men at bay when i am just walking down the street and stuff like that....but one day....this guy
smiles at me, and i frowned cause i was like i don't want this a-hole.
and the Lord just placed in my don't know who you could kill....he could be a man that is suicidal, just lost his job, hurting inside,
and may just need a smile, and a empathetic heart towards him....
and then i looked in his face and he looked so sad like he wanted to cry....and i was like oh I smiled at him, and said HI, he smiles and
that was it....and I think that when you lean on your own understanding you never know who you hurt in life...i know i have had blessings from
blessing those that hurt me but every so often we all fall short...