twilight - 11/22/2009 at 09:59 PM
my opinion:
In my opinion talking about bumping and grinding, sexy this and that in my books belongs in the bedroom with s/o and if a person is unfulfilled one
should seek marital comfort within one's marriage, seek counseling and become a virtous wife or husband by being real within oneself about what is
appropriate. I think that the language one uses is tantamount to invitations to single men or women to lust after them and ultimately as a Christian
in my books causes them to sin. The bible says thou shall not covet thy neighbours wife or husband for a reason, it is adultery and idolatry. The
bible also says that if a man lust after a married woman in his heart he has already committed adultery with her. In my humble opinion as a believer,
God sees the heart, and the motivation of the heart, it is never wise to judge but instead take a measuring stick and say do I add up? God is LOVE and
no woman in her right mind that is married should EVER cause a married man to commit adultery with her in his heart.
I am grateful to God that I am not married yet, I am however extremely happy that I will be with a good husband and whomever I marry can be proud of
the fact that I would HONOR and RESPECT him in public and private. I am single and can only hope and pray that I will be a good wife, which is what I
have been steadily working on.
PoeticInspiration77 - 11/26/2009 at 02:17 AM
It is real and does not just mean talking about something of a sexual nature....just sharing hopes and dreams and talking into the night with someone
of the opposite sex besides your S/O can be emotional can quickly lead to a "bond" with that other person and leave your S/O hanging out
to dry
iam2icee - 12/13/2009 at 05:43 AM
Emotional cheating is definitely real. I am not sure that I agree with your reasoning on how they come to happen or why. People don't necessarily have
to be lacking anything, be emotionally withdrawn or board with their s/o and they don't have to suffer from a debilitating case of low self esteem.
Sexuality comes in many forms and there are many reasons one may be interested in another. Alot of times these bonds are formed on other means or
reasons. For example, two students taking on line classes together and study together regularly may develop relationships that bloom into something
more even if it is on paper. It does not mean that they'd actually act on those measures if provided the opportunity. In your real life example you
sited people who work together, this happens more regularly than you might think. If I found myself in this type of situation in my relationship is
absolute honesty and trust, I'd absolutely tell my spouse about the conversations, the emotions and the extent by which I would choose to explore it.
I would certainly screen what is said by him to get his opinion and to find out if I am reading more into it than I should and whether or not it was
innocent. If my S/o was offended by it in any way, I'd certainly stop communicating with that oher person. It is grossly inappropriate to pursue
conversations with that person after that.