
Are you friends with your friend's s/o...

MrAkeet - 11/6/2009 at 08:42 PM

Hello everyone,

got this via another board...

and would you remain friends with him/her if the relationship breaks up?

How would you feel about one of your friends being close with your ex?

Just Me,

twilight - 11/9/2009 at 04:22 AM

ah nope...my friends s/o...off limits...ex off limits...period. not cause i am shady but cause i damn sure wouldn't give them a reason to wonder...

iam2icee - 11/10/2009 at 04:27 AM

I agree twilight, there should be no co-minglin. Unless the s/o was your friend first and you introduced them then there is no reason to create or instigate a relationship. There really is not a need for them to be close to your ex either, it makes it seem like they are interested in dating them. Its all Taboo.